purple cells

What We Do

Here at Bridging STEM, our mission is to bridge the gap between diverse groups of people with a shared passion for STEM.

a plane is flying high in the sky
a plane is flying high in the sky

Interviews With Professionals

One way we connect the community is by conducting interviews with professionals in fields of STEM. During the interview, we will ask questions collected from students about their respective subject. These meaningful events will allow students to learn more about the career they want to pursue and fuel the passion for STEM. In addition, these interviews are a perfect opportunity for the amazing people that work STEM to give back to the community, helping us build the next generation of brilliant minds in STEM. Look out for future interviews in the Events tab where you can submit your questions for our interviewee!

If you work in any field of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics or know anyone that works in these fields and would be willing to do an interview with us, we would greatly appreciate your help. Please fill out this form with your information and times you are available.

How YOU can help.

Thank you for you contribution to our cause and bridging the gap between STEM.